Christians need to work against the plan of massacre

I would like you to know that the Bilderberg group was founded by three persons: David Rockefeller, Joseph Retinger, and Prince Bernhard of the Netherlands.

The Rockefellers are stoogies of the Rothchilds, who claim themselves to be descendants of the King of Babel, Nimrod. The people who crucified Jesus were spiritual descendants of Nimrod, because they believed that the world domination by Jews would be accomplished through might and power, i.e., they were power worshippers, while Jesus believed the covenantal ethics (Matt. 5:5). So they are called "Harlot" in the Revelation.

Joseph Retinger was a Jesuit. Jesuits are disciples of Gnosticism, which was wide spread in the Roman Empire.
(Barbarian migrations and the Roman West, 376-568 By Guy Halsall pg 293 Publisher: Cambridge University Press (January 28, 2008))

Prince Bernhard of the Netherlands comes from the House of Nassau, which is a descendant of Roman Emperors.

The Revelation calls the Roman Empire "Beast".

So as you see, the Bilderberg group was founded by the Harlot (Rothchild), the Beast (House of Nassau) and the Beast's prophet (Jesuit) of the Revelation.

We can see that the image of "The Great Harlot Riding the Beast" was resurrected by the Rothchilds.

The Satan's Trinity was embodied as the Bilderberg group and one of its brainchildren EU.

I don't think the description of the Revelation would be repeated in the present era, because I don't believe the Premillenialism of Dispensationalism, which was created by a Jesuit Emmanuel Lacunz.

The message of the Dispensational Premillenialism "Jesus will come back soon according to the Bible." is a hoax for making Christians believe that they cannot avoid the worldwide carnage of the Revelation caused by the Beast during the end time and keep them from praying and working against their plan.

I believe that Christians need to abandon the false teaching spread by Jesuits (John Darby, Scofield, Hal Lindsay, and Tim Lahey) in Churches worldwide and start to work for preventing and praying the massacre prepared by the Bilderburgers from occuring.





